Anbessa Foundation

Mission Statement

Anbessa Foundation was founded in 2007, in Oakland, CA, to be a bridge between Ethiopia and North America. We sought to promote the music and culture of Ethiopia to North America and to bring the resources of North America to bear on the many problems facing the birthplace of all mankind. We wanted to preserve the ancient culture of Ethiopia. We believed that the beauty and richness of Ethiopian culture could serve as a catalyst for change in the priorities, outlook, self-concept and behavior of African American youth by connecting them to a proud tradition that is as old as time itself. It was also our intention to “adopt” (provide with food, clothing, shelter, medical care, and education) the 4.6 million orphans of Ethiopia.

Our mission has since expanded to encompass the care of the orphans, the dispossessed, and the disenfranchised throughout the African diaspora, in keeping with the Community of Immanuel’s mandate to care for those who are less fortunate than ourselves. We also intend to promote the music and culture of the entire diaspora by sharing it with the world outside of the diaspora

Help Us To Support The Following Programs:

In Ethopia And United States

Ethiopian Sports Federation In North America

The Ethiopian Sports Federation in North America (ESFNA), founded in 1984, is a non-profit organization dedicated to promote the rich

The Fregenet Foundation

The mission of the Fregenet Foundation is to Prepare and equip the future leaders of the community. Provide high quality early education

The Life’s Second Chance Foundation

The Life¹s Second Chance Foundation was established in 2006 by Mrs. Wossene Tiruneh Bowler, an Ethiopian by birth. She was a C.M.L.

Ethiopian Library & Information Foundation For Education (eLIFE)

The Ethiopian Sports Federation in North America (ESFNA), founded in 1984, is a non-profit organization dedicated to promote the rich

Bahir Dar Clinic

The mission of the Fregenet Foundation is to Prepare and equip the future leaders of the community. Provide high quality early education

Plate it Forward

The Plate it Forward Program was established in 2015 to address the problem of obesity in the U.S. and various diseases caused by a variety

West Africa

Ethiopian Sports Federation In North America

The Ethiopian Sports Federation in North America (ESFNA), founded in 1984, is a non-profit organization dedicated to promote the rich

Sierra Leone: SWF International

At this time SWF sends funds to reliable sources and partners in Sierra Leone to help feed the families of Ebola victims, those who are in

The Life’s Second Chance Foundation

The Life¹s Second Chance Foundation was established in 2006 by Mrs. Wossene Tiruneh Bowler, an Ethiopian by birth. She was a C.M.L.


Ethiopian Sports Federation In North America

The Ethiopian Sports Federation in North America (ESFNA), founded in 1984, is a non-profit organization dedicated to promote the rich

Haiti: Chances For Children

Widespread poverty, economic turmoil, and devastating natural disasters create a bleak future for the children of Haiti. Due to extreme

Haiti: Chime For Change

CHIME FOR CHANGE is a global campaign to convene, unite and strengthen the voices speaking out for girls and women around the

The Life’s Second Chance Foundation

The Life¹s Second Chance Foundation was established in 2006 by Mrs. Wossene Tiruneh Bowler, an Ethiopian by birth. She was a C.M.L.


Brazil: MNMMR

Movimento Nade Meninas cional de Meninos e Rua (MNMMR)..


Young Citizens the Landmark Achievements of Brazil’s Social Movement of Social Movement for Children’s Rights….


International Child Resources Institute. ICRI envisions a world in which all children and families are able to fulfill their greatest….