Belief + Action = Change

Don’t Talk About It, Be About It

Building Communities, Broadening Horizons

The Community of Immanuel is a worldwide community of people who share the common goal of reaching a higher consciousness and finding greater enlightenment. We come from all walks of life and are not defined by age, race, gender, creed, or sexual orientation.

Immanuel (Hebrew: meaning God is with us). We strive to be and express the God within us in all that we do. We have no limiting or exclusionary doctrine to separate us from the rest of mankind. The core of our belief system is very simple.

Self Determination

Self-Determination is the process that begins with self-definition. We define ourselves and, in so doing, we establish the guidelines for our journey through this thing called life. Who we are is the foundation of what we think and what we do.

Let’s talk about who we are. First, we are alive. We are living, breathing, conscious organisms. Second, we are humans…a part of the race of humankind.

Third, we are carpenters, plumbers, truckers, fashion models, teachers, athletes, farmers, actors, doctors, business men/women, lawyers, soldiers, or whoever we are to our communities. Fourth, we are either men, or women. Fifth, we are the son, or daughter, of someone. Sixth, we can be the husband, or wife, of someone. Seventh, we may be the father, or mother, of someone.

We can talk about what we think, feel, or believe. We can be Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Jew, Taoist, Scientologist, White Supremacist, Black Militant, or any of the other schools of thought that ostensibly govern the way we live our lives. We can define ourselves by our physical appearance. But, being tall, short, fat, skinny, black, brown, red, yellow, or white doesn’t truly describe anything about our character, personality, or worth.

Star of Immanuel

Long before the hexagram (6-pointed star) was identified by the Hebrew people as the “Star of David”, or “Shield of Solomon”, or by Satanic worshipers as a secret symbol embodying the number 666, the two triangular components of that 6-pointed star had another meaning.

The upward pointing triangle was recognized as being the symbol of man. While, the downward pointing triangle was acknowledged as being the symbol of woman. We put the two triangles together, with the ankh (“key of life”) in the center of them to symbolize the fact that the union of man and woman is the key to the continuity of life because it takes the union of man and woman to create a new life.

This is not a condemnation or value judgment on the union of man and man, or woman and woman.

Those are lifestyle choices. Some would say that they are biological imperatives. In any case, they are individual matters. We are all still men and women. Our focus is on the fact that we are all born of man and woman.

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